Friday, May 7, 2010

Man Utd may still win Premier League after all. You have to read this!

Chelsea's hopes of winning the Premier League have been hit by rumours that Manchester United will form a points coalition with deadly rivals Liverpool ahead of Sunday's final matches.
Chelsea need to beat Wigan at Stamford Bridge to clinch the crown but if they fail to take three points, a Manchester United defeat of Stoke will secure a fourth successive Old Trafford title.

However, United and Liverpool chiefs are believed to have spent last night negotiating a deal by which Rafa Benitez's side - who can finish no lower than seventh - will donate two of their points to United to give Sir Alex Ferguson a one-point lead and put them in the box seat.

Liverpool's act is fraught with risk, however, as it would leave them just two ahead of eighth-placed Everton and needing to gain at least a draw at relegated Hull to secure a Europa League place.

It could also rob them of credibility - however, since not winning a league title themselves

An unconfirmed Anfield legend said: 'It seems incredible that we would help United to a 19th title and overtake our record but they have promised us a Champions League place as well as first refusal on Dimitar Berbatov, Michael Owen, David Beckham, Nicky Butt and Ben Foster so this represents a good deal for LIverpool FC, its supporters, players and official mascots'

When it was pointed out that Beckham and Butt are not even United players, the legend insisted: 'That needn't matter - they've promised -  and it ensures the balance of footballing power stays in the North-West.

'And we'll still finish ahead of Everton despite the fact everyone says we're rubbish'  
Stamford Bridge chiefs are said to be furious at the ManLiv pact and a club spokesman said: 'It's incredible that a team who plays in blue and gets the most points will not come out on top. Where on earth did they come up with an idea like that? Whatever happened to first past the post?

Premier League rules about teams forming points coalitions are vague and Peter Scudamore - a jockey and horse trainer  who shares the same surname as Premier League chief executive Richard Scudamore - could shed no further light on the subject - even though neither man was actually asked about it.

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