Saturday, August 21, 2010

Steve Bruce: Scholes almost couldn't make it as a junior player at Man Utd

Former Manchester United captain Steve Bruce has revealed how there were fears Paul Scholes wasn't going to make it as a junior player.
Sunderland boss Bruce has paid tribute to his former teammate.
He told the Daily Mail: "Even when he was a youngster, it was difficult to miss Scholesy. A little lad - and he really was a dot too - with flame red hair, darting about.
"Everyone remembers that great youth team, but they forget that there were doubts over whether Scholes would make it; not because of any lack of ability, but because of a problem with his knees (Scholes suffered from Osgood-Schlatter disease, a knee problem that affects younger players).
"Players like Scholes and Ryan Giggs don't come along very often. Paolo Maldini at AC Milan is the only other one I can think of.
"Perhaps the ultimate compliment I can pay him is what happened the other day -and I hope Danny Welbeck won't mind me mentioning it - because he may get some stick from his pals at Old Trafford. We were sitting having lunch at Sunderland and I was discussing the Manchester United game against Newcastle and in particular, Scholesy's performance.
"Danny, who is loan with us, was within earshot and he piped up that Paul was still the best player at Manchester United. That, for me, said it all."

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