Sunday, August 22, 2010

Intel Buying McAfee, By Price $ 7.68 billion dollars

Intel Buying McAfee, By Price $ 7.68 billion dollars
Manufacturer Intel Corporation, a thin slice is really important in a world, reported not long ago bought McAfee, a partnership program of the safety net and more land.

This compression is made in cash by trading shares of McAfee, at a cost of $ 48 per share, representing a total of 7.68 million. McAfee is a simple registration mechanism largest association of trust whose income reached U.S. $ 2 billion in 2009.
Based on a decision made by Intel, McAfee to work as an extra in an organization of software and services from Intel. Intel said that this merger provides a program of multiple trust the program from a single company. This will give assurance to consumers, businesses and governments improved when billions of slope of the line continues.

In addition to Intel, a company that another program of the Hulk and hardware solutions have been many comes to buying an HP Compaq and Palm, and Oracle for shopping at Network Solutions and Sun Microsystems.

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