Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Tevez called Gary Neville an Idiot!!! You really think he is?

Last week, Carlos Tevez launched a second attack on his former Manchester United team-mate Gary Neville, accusing him of being an ‘idiot’ and a ‘creep’. The person to be blame for this incident was none other than Gary Neville himself. Tak tentu pasal go critic Tevez was not worth 25M. All of us know that he is worth that amount, just that Gary hates him because he joins Man City. That's a fact.

Straight after Tevez scored against Man Utd, he ran and celebrated his goal in front of Neville. Guess what's Neville's respond? He make a one- fingered gesture to Tevez.. ;p

They used to be best friends. They can still remain friends, just like Tevez and Evra now. It doesn't have to end up that way!

After the match, Tevez said, ‘I’m never going to disrespect the United fans. My celebration was aimed at Gary Neville. It was blatant creeping what Gary did when he said I was not worth the money. He said it just to look good to the manager. Wooo..we called that behaviour "anjing' in Malaysia.

‘Why the hell is this idiot talking about me if I never had any problem with him? Just when I ran to celebrate the penalty I crossed his path and I told myself: “Don’t say anything”. At least for now, Tevez let his goal does all the talking, whereas for Neville, he uses his mouth to do it. That's the difference.

The question remain, was Neville really an idiot!!!.. hehe..obviously NO. Let me prove to you. Gary Neville and his wife, Emma are aiming to build a £8m eco-bunker in the side of a Lancashire hill. Gary has earmarked land on a former farmstead on moors between Bolton and Bury next to his current 12-bedroom pile for the zero-carbon house.

Neville makes no secret of his green credentials - in fact his fuel-efficient Toyota Prius often cuts an incongruous sight in the car park of Manchester United's Carrington training ground alongside Wayne Rooney's Mercedes CLK and Rio Ferdinand's Aston Martin. Hmmm...that's how a captain should behave, be a prime example to others.

The Red Devil has spent three years drafting plans for the 8,000 sq ft property, which boasts a low-profile design has been likened to a Stone Age development by architects. If plans for the project are approved, the building will have solar panel, a wind turbine and a ground source heat pump.

Energy produced from the wind turbine would be used to power his neighbouring property with any extra energy supplying the national grid, helping to reduce his family's carbon footprint. Awww...that was generous!

The structure is so advanced the government wants to use the scheme as a benchmark for all future zero-carbon developments. Now, do you still think Neville was an idiot.

A year ago, Neville planted a controversial hedge spelling out his club's initials - MUFC - outside the gates to his current house, which boasts a private golf course, cinema, swimming pool, stables and a gym. From my opinion, that was because he was a loyal Manchester United player! As simple as that.

Final say, Carlos Tevez...you are wrong in calling Gary Neville an idiot! He's Red Devil captain, he's the best right back ever in the history of English Premier League, he lead all his mates by good examples, he is an eco- friendly captain...my praise for him just won't stop.

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